Winter Institute in Data Science and Big Data

Comparative Computing

Le Bao

Massive Data Institute, Georgetown University

January 7, 2022


  • Python
    • Basics
    • Data structures
    • Application: working with web data

  • Comparative computing
    • Python, R, Shell
    • Polyglot programming and computing tools
    • Computing environment

  • Containers and cloud computing
    • Operating systems and system dependencies
    • Docker
    • Cloud computing with Code Ocean

Data Science Toolbox

  • Some most used DS tools:
    • Apache Spark
    • BigML
    • D3.js
    • MATLAB
    • Excel
    • tidyverse
    • Tableau
    • Jupyter
    • ggplot2
    • Matplotlib
    • NLTK
    • Scikit-learn
    • TensorFlow
    • Weka

Calculating Path to Jupyter Using Excel

Knowing Your Tools

  • Recall that data science is an intersection of
    • statistical practice
    • computational tools
    • substantive knowledge

  • The interdisciplinary nature of data science
    • Different kinds of statistical practices, computational tools, and substantive focuses

  • Goal:
    • Know what you are doing: statistical and substantive knowledge
    • Know how to use your tools
    • Pick up new tools fairly quickly

R vs Python

  • Let’s forget about Stata.

  • Open-source programming language

  • High-level, expressive, front-end
    • Both were (partially) written in C
    • Both were Turing complete
    • Fewer lines of code to achieve complex functions
    • Closer to human languages
    • Slow (relatively)

  • Vibrant online communities
    • Libraries, support, new things, etc.

R vs Python

  • R
    • Statistical analysis
    • Primarily procedural and functional programming, but can also do OOP
    • Academics, researchers, data scientists
    • Easier to get started but some rough curves on the way
    • Good at data wrangling, exploration, modeling, and visualization
    • Can do data scraping, machine learning (deep learning)
      • caret, tidymodels, keras
    • Fewer packages, slow adaptation beyond statistical methods
  • Python
    • General purpose
    • Procedural, object-oriented, and functional programming
    • Programmers, developers, engineers
    • Deeper curve for beginners but smooth, linear later
    • Good at data collection, interface with different types of data, machine learning (deep learning)
    • Can do data wrangling, modeling, and visualization
      • NumPy, Pandas, Seaborn/Matplotlib/Plotly
    • Fewer package on modeling (esp. specific models)

R vs Python

  • There is no programming language wars

  • Both can achieve what you want: “Turing complete”
    • Sometimes, one is easier than the other.

  • Learn both!
    • Use one when appropriate and to your advantage!

Using Both: Polyglot Programming

  • Integrating different languages: wrapper (interface)

  • Tools and facilities in programming
    • IDE, code/text editor, interpreter/console
    • Command line and shell
    • Interactive vs non-interactive programming

  • Quarto


  • Wrapper: interface with other languages

  • R interface for python: reticulate

  • Python interface for R: rpy2

  • R interface for C++: Rcpp

  • Python interface for C/C++: Python C-API

Wrapper: Example

  • Running Python code in R
# Specify python location and version
# Run one line of python code
py_run_string("print 'Hello World'")
# Install python library
# Use python in R
np <- import("numpy", convert = TRUE)
np1 <- np$array(c(1:4))
# Source python script


  • Integrated Development Environment (IDE)
    • R: RStudio (dominant), but there are others (VSCode)
    • Python: Spyder, PyCharm, VSCode, and lots of others

  • What does it mean by integrated?
    • Text/code editor
    • Interpreter/console
    • Other tools: Git, debugging tool, file manager, viewer, etc.

RStudio as an example

Command Line Interface (CLI)

  • Command line tools
    • Mac/Linux: Terminal
    • Windows: Command Prompt, PowerShell

  • Command-line interface (CLI).
    • CLI vs GUI (Graphical User Interface)

R and Python with CLI

  • Mac/Linux:


  • Windows
# Command Prompt
"C:\Program Files\R\R-4.1.2\bin\R.exe"
"C:\Users\[Your User Name]\anaconda3\python.exe"
# PowerShell
& "C:\Program Files\R\R-4.1.2\bin\R.exe"
# For python, Anaconda Prompt

Non-Interactive Mode

  • Interactive vs non-interactive mode
    • Batch execution

  • R: source methods
  • Python

Non-Interactive Mode using Command Line

  • Mac/Linux:
R CMD BATCH script.R
Rscript script.R
Rscript -e "rnorm(100)"
python -c "print('hello world')"
  • Windows
# Command Prompt
"C:\Program Files\R\R-4.1.2\bin\R.exe" CMD BATCH script.R
"C:\Program Files\R\R-4.1.2\bin\Rscript.exe" script.R
"C:\Program Files\R\R-4.1.2\bin\Rscript.exe" -e "rnorm(100)"
#### For PowerShell, remember to add &
"C:\Users\[Your User Name]\anaconda3\python.exe"
"C:\Users\[Your User Name]\anaconda3\python.exe" -c "print('hello world')"


  • The shell is a user interface for access to an operating system’s services.
    • Most often we interact with the shell using a command-line interface (CLI).

  • Usage:
    • Batch run
      • Multiple scripts, long running time, etc.
    • Remote machines, cloud computing

Some Commonly Used Commands

  • Unique to OS
    • Mac OS (Unix) and Linux (Unix-like) commands are 90% similar
    • Linux is the most common OS for super computer and cloud computing
cd [foldername] # change directory
ls # list contents
pwd # print working directory
rm [filename] # remove files
mv [filename] [destination] # move files
cp [filename] [destination] # copy files
mkdir [foldername] # create folder
touch # create file
cat # print file
echo "hello world" # output text
grep [option] [pattern] [files] # search text
man mkdir # getting help
Rscript --help

Some Commands for Cloud Computing

  • Log on and file transfer
ssh [remote user]@[remote machine address]
scp -r ~/Desktop/myfolder


  • Run scripts without hangup
nohup R CMD BATCH script.R &

Shell Script

# This is a comment!
echo 'Starting ...'
R CMD BATCH rscript1.R
nohup R CMD BATCH rscript2.R &
R CMD BATCH rscript3.R
echo 'Finished!'


  • Try out one aforementioned way to run the following Python and R scripts
    • demo/
    • demo/election-map-2020.R
State Candidate Party Votes Percent EC_vote
Alabama Trump Republican 1441170 62.0 9
Alabama Biden Democrat 849624 36.6 0
Alabama Jorgensen Libertarian 25176 1.1 0
Alabama Write-ins 7312 0.3 0
Alaska Trump Republican 189951 52.8 3
Alaska Biden Democrat 153778 42.8 0


  • Try out one aforementioned way to run the following Python and R scripts
    • demo/
    • demo/election-map-2020.R


  • Use Wrapper


  • Use command line
Rscript election-map-2020.R

Computing Environments

  • Hardware
  • Software
    • Operating systems
    • System dependencies
    • R/python: versions, packages/libraries

Environment Management in R

  • renv: project dependency management
    • Works with R Project


  • Functions:
    • renv::init(): initiate to include all R packages currently used by the project.
    • renv::snapshot(): save the state of project dependency.
    • renv::restore(): restore the state of project dependency when it’s under a new environment.

Environment Management in R

  • Workflow:
    • Call renv::init() to initialize a new project-local environment with a private R library,
    • Work in the project as normal, installing and removing new R packages as they are needed in the project,
    • Call renv::snapshot() to save the state of the project library to the lockfile (called renv.lock),
    • Continue working on your project, installing and updating R packages as needed.
    • Call renv::snapshot() again to save the state of your project library if your attempts to update R packages were successful, or call renv::restore() to revert to the previous state as encoded in the lockfile if your attempts to update packages introduced some new problems.

Environment Management in Python

  • venv: virtual environments
pip install virtualenv


  • Workflow:
    • Call python3 -m venv myproj in shell to create a virtual environment
    • Call source myproject/bin/activate to activate the environment
    • Work in the environment, installing and removing libraries as normal
    • Deactivate the environment by calling deactivate

Environment Management in Python

  • conda has powerful, built-in environment management
    • Downside: platform specific

  • Workflow:
    • Use conda create -n myproj python to create a Python virtual environment (click “y” to proceed).
    • Call conda activate myproj to activate the environment.
    • Work in the environment, installing and removing libraries using conda install.
    • Call conda env export > environment.yml to save the version info to environment.yml.
    • Call conda deactivate to stop the environment.


  1. Create a new folder and R project.
  2. Open R studio and initiate an R environment.
    • renv::init(): initiate to include all R packages currently used by the project.
    • renv::snapshot(): save the state of project dependency.
    • *renv::restore(): restore the state of project dependency when it’s under a new environment.
  3. Install a new R package: e.g. fortunes, cowsay, etc.
  4. Use the library in an R script: e.g. library(fortunes); fortune()
  5. Install and use a older version of an R package: e.g. devtools::install_version("ggplot2", version = "3.3.6", repos = "").
  6. Create a new R environment snapshop.
  7. Check out renv.lock file to make sure the versions are correct.
  • Note: renv require that you have Rscripts that uses the packages in order to make them recorded in renv.lock

Multilingual Publishing with Quarto

  • A open-source scientific and technical publishing system
  • Dynamic document with reveal.js
  • Next generation of Rmarkdown/Jupyter notebook: Python, R, Julia, Observable, or even language that doesn’t exist yet.
  • IDE: VS Code, RStudio, Jupyter Lab, etc.

Quarto Demo